Meet Scot Shuck

Scot Shuck, Owner, Grosvenor Market

Since 1967, Grosvenor Market has provided North Bethesda with everything from deli sandwiches to fresh produce to craft beer—all from its unique footprint in the Grosvenor Park complex. Scot Shuck, the current owner and operator, has worked at Grosvenor Market for more than 40 years, providing the kind of personal service you can only get from a local grocer. 

Where were you born and raised?

I’m originally from South Dakota, and I’ve lived in and around Garrett Park for 50 years. 

What’s your favorite part about doing business in North Bethesda?

Our customers are very open-minded, especially about food, which allows us to sell different products. 

What local farmers and food producers do you work with?

Too many to mention them all. Some of our local farmers are Hillside Turkey Farms (in Thurmont), Lewis Orchards (in Dickerson), and Scenic View Orchards (in Sabillasville). 

What’s your favorite deli sandwich?

Oh, definitely our Reuben. It's pretty special! 

What’s something customers would be surprised to find in your store?

Kohlrabi, freshly ground bison, jumper cables, tennis balls, and phone cords.

 What’s a favorite wine you recommend to casual drinkers?

One of my favorite mid-price wines is by Beaulieu Vineyards in California. I recommend their BV Coastal Estates line. The wine’s very affordable and has great flavor. 

What’s your favorite food to eat?

Norwegian salmon. Icelandic waters produce the best salmon in the world.  

What’s your least favorite food to eat?

Casseroles! Growing up, my parents forced hamburger and tuna casseroles on my brothers and me. Now, I won't even try it! 

What’s the best part of running Grosvenor Market?

I like the challenge of putting all the pieces of running a small business and grocery together. It's fun to find new products to try. I've made some great friends over the years. 

What’s the best thing to do for fun in North Bethesda?

We have some great places in the area for family bike rides!